Monday, June 8, 2015

AMA 2015 was mightily blessed!

     "A Mountain Apart" 2015 was one to remember. Many attendees faced difficulties ranging from sickness to vehicle breakdowns, and on the mountain it seemed that many things went wrong, including our first broken bone at AMA!  The blessing of the Lord was special and powerful in every meeting, and the fellowship of God's people was uniquely refreshing.

     Thank you, Brother Waldrep and Brother Wilkins, for hearing from the Lord and passing it on to us!  We heard some amazing preaching and teaching.  Many said they will never forget the messages.  For copies of the CD's, please email

To all who attended: THANK YOU for lending your support to the mission of 

"A Mountain Apart".  Lives have been blessed and changed for the better!

Some of the young people at AMA 2015.  More pictures coming soon on the Gallery page.

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