
To register for AMA 2025, you will have two options.

  • Electronic (this method is preferred)

  1. Follow this link to the AMA 2025 Online Registration Form
  2. When prompted, complete the online Sacramento Release Form 
  3. Review the Dress Code.
  4. Print, sign, and mail the AMA Consent and Release Form with complete payment.

  • On paper

    Youth CAMPERS (age 12 - 30 in youth dorms)

  1. Print and complete the CAMPER Registration Form
  2. Print and complete the Sacramento Release Form or complete online.
  3. Review the Dress Code
  4. Send all completed forms and payment in the mail.

    Adults/Family/Group Registration

  1. Print and complete the Adult/Family/Group Registration Form
  2. Print and complete the Sacramento Release Form or complete online.
  3. Review the Dress Code
  4. Print and sign the AMA Consent and Release Form
  5. Send all completed forms and payment in the mail.

Please be advised that lodging space is limited and rooms are assigned when complete registration and full payment is received.

All payment and printed forms should be mailed to:
Apostolic Bible Church
PO Box 3049
Roswell, NM  88202

If you have questions or difficulties, please email 
or call 505-573-1589.

AMA Schedule

AMA Packing List