We are excited about a great time of spiritual renewal at AMA 2023. Important information for your planning purposes:
- Registration will open March 1st. Watch this blog and sign up for email updates in the top left sidebar. Registration will close on Wednesday, May 17th.
- Camp will begin with Monday evening dinner and conclude with Thursday morning breakfast.
- Each youth camper staying in the youth dorm will be required to register separately from their family and pay the youth camper price of $260 (This is a new requirement of the campground). Youth campers may still register with their families but would be required to stay with their families as registered.
- Prices have increased by approximately $30 per adult over last year's registration fees.
- Registration for Forrest Lodge will be reserved for ministry, elderly aged 65+, and physical disabilities. All others will have the option to be on the waiting list for extra rooms in Forrest Lodge to be assigned after registration closes.
- In order to best accommodate all campers with available space, Family Life Center will only be available for groups of 5 or more staying together.